Friday, August 31, 2012

First Homework: Decorate your SS Journal!

Due by Friday 9/7/12

This year we will be studying the Civil War and Reconstruction, World War II and the Holocaust, and the Civil Rights Movement.  We will also be talking a lot about why we study history, how the past connects to issues today, and how we can use our knowledge and personal gifts to make our own history.  You need a composition book (NO SPIRAL NOTEBOOKS) to use as your Social Studies Journal.

Your first homework assignment is to decorate your Social Studies journal.  You should use images related to this year’s units.  Select at least 10.  You should also include at least 5 quotes and/or important words that relate to the units or Social Studies in general.

An easy place to go for quotes is Kristen’s Pinterest board, Social Studies Quotes.  You can view it at:   She is mildly obsessed and has over 50.  J

After you paste your images and quotes down, cover your notebook with Contact Paper or clear packing tape.  IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THESE SUPPLIES AT HOME, come to Lab 1 before homeroom anytime this week (7:45-8:20) and Kristen will provide some.  Do not show up at 8:18 on Friday morning and assume that you will get it covered before 8:20 homeroom.  Plan ahead!
We will be checking notebooks at the beginning of class on Friday.