Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Selecting Images for your Change Makers Movie Project


Fair use.

Public domain.

Creative commons.

Each of these terms are important for you, as big, bad 8th graders, to know. 

As you start collecting images for your Change Makers project, we'd like you to keep these terms in mind.  Rather than using Google Image search, we'd like you to use the the Flickr Commons gallery and the Flickr Creative Commons galleries. If you want to use Google Image, you may do so, but only after you've exhausted the two Flickr sites.

WHY?  Because you need to learn about and understand copyright, fair use, public domain, and creative commons.  Also, you will find images rom these two sites that you might not find through Google image.  Oh, and it's always good to try new things (even if we're making you do it).

Create a folder on your desktop clearly labeled with your full name and project description. Save your images inside this folder (rather than right on the desktop).  This will make it easy to import into iMovie on Thursday.

Once you have your images (you should have at least 10 plus your two avatars, you should work on your storyboard.  Map out the order of your images with brief notes underneath about what you will say for that image (use your paper that you wrote).  You will need TWO storyboard sheets, since you will have 12 or more images.  It is okay to revise your writing before Thursday.  Completion of the storyboards is worth 15 points and is due Thursday.  You will not be allowed to start in iMovie until your storyboards are done.

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